I sit and listen

to singing birds surrounding my gazebo.

I sit and listen

for God’s voice.

My mind struggles to be still.

I want to hear God’s voice!

I want to see each bird I hear.

I gaze ahead to the woods, beyond the screen,

but I don’t see any calling birds.

The geese have arrived

behind me, where the pond beckons.

I want to see them all:

God’s creatures.

They call to one another.

I want to be part of it all.

Oh, the wonder!

I sit and listen in stillness.

Is this God’s voice?

2 thoughts on “MORNING STILLNESS

  1. I struggle to sit still. But I do pause and listen to the birds to hear God speaking to me as I walk-through the forest with Maddi and Sophie hearing the squirrels and watching the Fox go by.

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